В этой теме будут размещаться домашние работы на время карантинов и актированных дней для классов школы МОУ "ГИМНАЗИЯ" г.Урай!
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Tag questions
Разделительные вопросы
I. Разделительный вопрос представ¬ляет собой вопросительное предло¬жение, состоящее из двух частей. Первая часть включает в себя утвер¬дительное или отрицательное предло¬жение, вторая — короткую фразу, которая формируется из вспомога¬тельного или модального глагола и местоимения.
Tracey is going to Italy, isn't she? — Трейси едет в Италию, не правда ли?
1) Если первая часть предложения является утвердительной, то вторая - отрицательной. Во второй части ис¬пользуется вспомогательный глагол или модальный глагол, который вхо¬дит в состав сказуемого из первой части предложения, и местоимение, соответствующее подлежащему.
Sally looks well, doesn't she?
Fred is friendly and helpful, isn't he?
They have a nice house, don't they?
There is a beautiful park in the town, isn't there?
Ted bought a new car, didn't he?
My friends will go to the summer camp, won't they?
He can run fast, can't he?
Julia and Sam have decided to buy a new house, haven't they?
2) Если первая часть предложения является отрицательной, то вторая —
You don't like horror films, do you?
You didn't know that, did you?
You haven't seen the film, have you?
II Существуют особые случаи обра¬зования разделительных вопросов.
1) В разделительном вопросе с I am в окончании используется aren't I?
I'm late, aren't I?
2) После let's используется shall we?: Let's go to the park, shall we?
3) There может быть подлежащим в разделительных вопросах:
There are a lot of presents under the Christmas tree, aren't there?
4) После предложений с негативными словами never, no, nobody, little
ис¬пользуются утвердительные окончания:
You have never been to Britain, have you?
5) Если подлежащим в разделитель¬ном вопросе является nothing, в окон¬чании используется it:
Nothing is perfect, is it?
6) Если подлежащими в разделитель¬ных вопросах являются nobody, somebody, everybody, в окончании используется they:
Nobody came, did they?
7) В повелительном наклонении в окончании пользуется won't you?, чтобы предложить что-то сделать:
Sit down, won't you?
А в повелительном наклонении, чтобы попросить что-то сделать, в окончании используется will you?/would уса can you?/can't you?/could you?
Shut the door, will you?/would уса can you?/can't you?/could you?
I In this exercise you have to put a question tag on the end of each sentence.
Examples: Tom won 't be late, will he? They were very angry, weren’t they?
1 Ann's on holiday, ? 10 Let's have dinner, ?
2 You weren't listening, ? 11 This isn't very interesting, ?
3 Sue doesn't like onions, ? 12 I'm too fat, ?
4 Jack's applied for the job, ? 13 You wouldn't tell anyone ?
5 You've got a camera, ? 14 Listen, ?
6 You can type, ? 15 I shouldn't have got angry, ?
7 He won't mind if I go early, ? 16 Don't drop it, ?
8 Tom could help you, „., ? 17 They had to go home, ?
9 There are a lot of people here, ? 18 He'd never seen you before, ?
II Read a situation and then write a sentence with a question tag. In each
example you are asking your listener to agree with you.
Example: You are with a friend outside a restaurant. You are looking at the prices. It's very expensive. What do you say? It’s very expensive, isn’t it?
1 You look out of the window, It's a beautiful day. What do you say to your friend?
2 You've just come out of the cinema with your friend. You both really enjoyed the film. You thought it was great. What do you say?
The film
3 Tom's hair is much shorter. Clearly he has had his hair cut. What do you say to him? You
4 You are shopping. You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror: it doesn't look very nice. What do you say to your friend? It
5You are talking about Bill. You know that Bill works very hard. Everyone knows this. What do you say about Bill?